July 22, 2019

Senator Abrams Supports Cheshire Land Conveyance Approval

HARTFORD, CT – Today, State Senator Mary Abrams (D-Meriden, Middlefield, Rockfall, Middletown, Cheshire) joined Senate Democrats as they voted to secure the conveyance of land from the state to the town of Cheshire. By conveying these three plots of land, which collectively make up just under 50 total acres, Cheshire has a new opportunity to support economic development within its limits.

“This is a rare opportunity we have to bring economic development to Cheshire with state support, and I couldn’t be happier to have supported this bill as it moved through the General Assembly and to have voted for its passage today,” said Sen. Abrams. “This is a great opportunity for the town and state to work together, and gives the town five years to find a developer for these sites. I look forward to seeing how negotiations advance.”

Effective with its approval today, “An Act Concerning the Conveyance of Certain Parcels of State Land in the Town of Cheshire” will lead the Commissioner of Transportation to convey three total parcels of land to the town, with respective areas of 3.59 acres, 0.88 acres and 43.6 acres. In the next five years, the town has permission to sell these parcels for economic development services; if those parcels do not sell, they shall revert to the state. Any funds made by Cheshire from a sale would be deposited in the state Special Transportation Fund by the State Treasurer.


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