Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

April 26, 2019

Senator Anwar Testifies Against Legislation That Could Cost South Windsor $776,000

Today, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) testified to oppose a section of proposed legislation in front of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee that would have a directly negative impact on the town of South Windsor. Sen. Anwar said in testimony that a section of the bill in question would serve to cost the town $776,000.

Sen. Anwar testified against Raised Bill No. 7413, which aims to change tax exemptions in the state and specifically adjust some tax processes in the towns of Wallingford and Woodbridge. However, he continued, one section of the legislation would grant a special tax reimbursement to an individual South Windsor business valued at $776,000.

“If this legislation passes, the payment of this reimbursement would be extremely detrimental to the town’s budgetary situation, to the climate of trust amongst local businesses, and to our residents’ confidence that municipal tax policies are administered uniformly,” Sen. Anwar said in testimony. He cited South Windsor Mayor Andrew Paterna and Town Manager Matthew Galligan, both of whom have said that loss would harm South Windsor’s operating budget, damaging its ability to pay for its education and town functions.

Further testimony submitted by Galligan said that the section in question refers to a South Windsor company, Broadridge, which failed to follow proper tax law and did not file proper paperwork to receive a tax reimbursement despite being informed of requirements by the town. He added that this company has received tax abatements since 2000 from the town and filed a lawsuit against the town previously to try and recoup the funds, despite the issue stemming from the company’s failure to file proper paperwork.

Galligan further stated that the legislation could set a precedent for other businesses and communities to seek restitution through the state rather than proper legal channels. It would “put our taxpayers in a position of refunding taxes to a company that failed in its obligation,” he said.

Sen. Anwar testified that the legislation threatens the local business community’s trust in South Windsor, also threatening the confidence of the public in government when they see “a business was retroactively granted a tax exemption by a special act of our state’s legislature after said business failed to file the proper documentation within the designated timeframe.”


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