Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

November 18, 2019

Sen. Anwar Recognized by the CT League of Conservation Voters for His Exemplary Voting Record on Pro-Environment Legislation

HARTFORD, CT – State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) has scored a 100 on the 2019 Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) annual Environmental Scorecard, reflecting the senator’s effectiveness in leading passage of, and voting for, pro-environment legislation affecting Connecticut and its 3.5 million citizens.

“This is a proud honor for me to receive, as I believe strongly we need to support and protect the environment,” said Sen. Anwar. “This past legislative session, I was proud to support several pieces of legislation that put increased focus on decreasing use of pollutants and working toward a more eco-friendly future. Receiving this score only strengthens my resolve to receive similar ones in the future.”

The CTLCV notes in the introduction to its report that democratic majorities in the House and Senate had a major impact on passing pro-environment legislation and on killing anti-environmental bills.

“The 2019 Legislative Session delivered many wins for the environment, including significant investment in offshore wind, the electrification of the state fleet, the passage of the State Water Plan, and much more,” the report says. “Because of our work during the last elections, we broke the split in the State Senate and sent a new pro-environment majority into Hartford. These new and returning champions were largely able to kill bad environmental bills like rollbacks to the Environmental Protection Act, automatic permits from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) after 90 days, and the revocation of DEEP’s enforcement tools. Many of these anti-environment proposals never even saw a vote. As a result, the vast majority of bills we scored were pro-environment proposals. This led to higher scores overall, evidence for the strong support for the environment within our legislature.”

The CTLCV grading scale ranges from 0-to-100 percent, and is based on how legislators vote on key environmental bills during the committee period of session and on the House and Senate floor.

The final score is an average of their votes on specific pro-environment bills the CTLCV has picked. Absences and abstentions are not factored into the CTLCV’s grading system.

The average Senate Democrat score this year was 97.5; the average Senate Republican score was 78.4. In the House, 40% of House Republican members scored a 50 or below.

The legislative priorities included in CTLCV’s scorecard covers a wide, diverse range of environmental concerns. The CTLCV seeks the counsel of other environmental groups, advocates and stakeholders to determine their priorities. CTLCV’s legislative victories this session includes:

  • Offshore Wind legislation (PA 19-71)
  • Plastic Bag Ban (PA 19-117)
  • State Water Plan (HJR 171)
  • Fracking Waste Ban (PA 19-112)
  • Solar Net-Metering (PA 19-35)

A full copy of the 2019 Scorecard is available here.


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