Today, State Senator Dennis Bradley’s (D-Bridgeport) bill to establish a state office to investigate complaints made against police officers advanced in the Public Safety and Security Committee.
“This legislation will ensure that investigations into civilian complaints made against police officers are fair,” said Sen. Bradley. “Residents in my district and the state should not feel as if the system is working against them when they file a complaint against a law enforcement official. Furthermore, law enforcement will benefit from this legislation by it removing the impression of an investigation being tainted due to the police essentially investigating themselves.”
If enacted, Senate Bill No. 402 will remove the investigation process from individual police departments when complaints are made against them. This proposed legislation will be the subject of a public hearing to be scheduled at a later date.
“The harsh reality is some people in my district, and others in the state, have a fear and distrust of law enforcement due to discriminatory practices by some police officers,” said Sen. Bradley. “We appreciate and value the hard work and sacrifice our law enforcement officials put forth every day on the job. My goal with this legislation is not to drive a wedge farther between the people and the police, but provide transparency and trust. A strong, safe community must have trust between law enforcement officials and the people.”
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