Jorge Cabrera

State Senator

Jorge Cabrera

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working Together to Solve Problems

September 27, 2022

Senator Cabrera Encouraged As State Police Report Crime Dropped In 2021, With Violent Crime Down 9%

Huge declines in violent crime, car theft, assault, burglary in 2021, police say

HARTFORD – Today, state Senator Jorge Cabrera (D-Hamden) highlighted a new Connecticut State Police report on crime, which paints a picture of an incredibly safe State of Connecticut, police statistics show.

The 2021 “Crime in Connecticut” report published today shows that from 2021 compared to 2020, overall crime in Connecticut decreased by 2.76% to its second-lowest level in at least a decade.

Violent crime in Connecticut decreased by 9% to its lowest level in at least a decade, and motor vehicle thefts declined by 10.5%, with nearly 1,000 fewer motor vehicles stolen in 2021 compared to 2020.

  • Arsons declined 28.9% to their lowest level in at least a decade
  • Burglaries were down 18.6% to their lowest level in at least a decade
  • Assaults declined 16.77% to their lowest level in at least a decade
  • Robberies were down 5.9% to their lowest level in at least a decade
  • Property crimes declined 2% to their second-lowest level in at least a decade.

Following a national trend, Connecticut’s murder and manslaughter rate did increase by 2.17% last year, with three more people murdered in the state in 2021 compared to 2020. Connecticut’s murder rate is still about 37% below the national average, however. The number of rapes also increased compared to 2020 but still remained at the decade-long average for Connecticut.

There were 9,038 sworn police personnel in Connecticut in 2021, or 2.51 officers for every 1,000 residents. No Connecticut police officer was killed in any felonious assault in 2021.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home, neighborhood and community,” said Sen. Cabrera. “There always remains work to do however, and this State Police report provides us with a clear picture of what is working in Connecticut and spaces where we can be even better moving forward to ensure that crime in our state remains low.”

Sen. Cabrera was among many legislators who in recent years have voted in support of bills strengthening juvenile crime laws and cracking down on car thefts as well as catalytic converters in efforts to reduce crime rates in Connecticut.

The 2021 version of “Crime in Connecticut” is the 44th in a series of annual state police reports dating back to 1978. “Crime in Connecticut” continues to be Connecticut’s most comprehensive compilation of crime data, providing detailed statistics on criminal offenses and arrests statewide. The publication’s source data are based upon monthly reporting of crime activity to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program at the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Crime in Connecticut provides police departments, administrators, legislators, advocacy groups, and the general public with important information for planning purposes.

The full state police “Crime in Connecticut” report can be found here

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