June 27, 2019

Senator Haskell, Representative Steinberg, Ombudsman Painter Advocate for the Westport Rehabilitation Complex to Remain Open

HARTFORD, CT – This morning, Senator Will Haskell (D-Westport), State Representative Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport), and Long-Term Care Ombudsman Mairead Painter sent the following letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Traditions Senior Management, the company that operates the Westport Rehabilitation Complex. Together, they strongly encouraged management to re-consider the closure of the facility and improve transparency between residents and the administration.

Mr. RB Bridges,

We are writing to express our concern regarding recent events at the Westport Rehabilitation Complex. As we’re sure you agree, individuals who live in this facility deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We hope you will consider the best interest of these Westport residents as you determine the future of this property.

Numerous residents have made clear that there is a little communication from the administration regarding the closing of the complex. Residents who call this facility home are exasperated by a lack of transparency, and they are frightened by the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

The Westport Rehabilitation Complex is their home, full stop. This facility has provided quality long-term care for many individuals and they should receive adequate notice and assistance with alternative options if needed. Despite the financial incentives that management may face, profit should never be put above people. The health and safety of individuals, especially our most vulnerable neighbors, should be paramount in any future decisions.

As advocates of consumer protection and supporters of high-quality long-term care, we encourage you to re-consider this closure and ensure that residents are properly considered, informed and respected. We appreciate your attention to this matter.


Senator Will Haskell

26th District

Representative Jonathan Steinberg

136th District

Mairead Painter

Long Term Care Ombudsman

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