DANBURY – State Senator Julie Kushner (D-Danbury) today welcomed the State Bond Commission’s approval of a variety of beneficial statewide projects, including aid for town roads, local capital improvements, and work on widening I-84 in Danbury.
“Although the legislature isn’t meeting on a regular basis right now, the work of state government is still moving forward, not only as it concerns public health and support for employees and small businesses in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, but also on other pubic investments as well,” Sen. Kushner said.
Specifically, today the State Bond Commission met remotely, via teleconference, and approved:
Sen. Kushner notes that it was just over one month ago that the General Assembly, on a bipartisan basis, approved a two-year, $4.7 billion bond package that dedicated the annual state borrowing which included some of the projects approved today.
That bipartisan bond bill vote included $60 million (over two years) for TAR grants, which are used by cities and towns to help pay for the construction and renovation of local roads and bridges, for snow plowing and sanding, for trimming and removing trees, and for replacing and installing traffic lights.
The March bond bill also allotted $30 million for Local Capital Improvement Program (or ‘LOCIP’ grants, a formula-based grant to repay towns for certain road and bridge and public building improvements) as well as $76 million for omnibus grants for various municipal projects.
This year, Danbury will receive $876,484 in TAR and $561,070 in LOCIP; Bethel will receive $324,237 in TAR and $119,227 in LOCIP; New Fairfield will receive $275,859 in TAR and $79,215 in LOCIP; and Sherman will receive $205,372 in TAR and $26,037 in LOCIP.
In addition to this municipal aid, the bipartisan March bonding bill also approved more than $850 million for local school construction and renovation projects, $84 million for improvements to municipal water treatment plants, $200 million for statewide urban economic development initiatives, $90 million for the development of Connecticut’s deep-water ports, $40 million for workforce development and other job-training efforts, $15 million for enhanced local school security, $5 million for the removal of lead in drinking water supplies at public schools, more than $200 million for affordable housing, and $50 million for community-based, nonprofit social service agencies to help cover their capital expenses.
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