Matt Lesser

State Senator

Matt Lesser

Deputy Majority Leader

Your Independent Voice

June 2, 2021

Lesser Slams Dangerous Republican Health Care Plan

Today, State Senator Matt Lesser (D-Middletown), co-Chair of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, released a statement in response to the GOP leadership press conference regarding health care in Connecticut.

“Senator Kelly and Representative Candelora are once again spouting gobbledygook on health care. Their scheme is ill-conceived, un-funded and obsolete. It would raise premiums for literally every family buying individual coverage in Connecticut. The only folks who would benefit are insurance companies. Once again, the Republican Party is putting insurance companies over families, small businesses and the people of Connecticut. Reinsurance was a good idea – before the passage of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan – but implementing it now would reduce federal subsidies for families in Connecticut buying individual coverage making their coverage even less affordable than it is now. After years of fighting to destroy Medicare and the Affordable Care Act, if Republicans now want to be the party of health care, I would welcome the opportunity to work with them. So far, what they’ve peddled is thin swill.”

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