Martin M. Looney

Senate President Pro Tempore

Martin M. Looney

An Advocate for Us

March 8, 2017

Republicans Reject City and Town Leaders Pleas for Greater Budget Certainty, Play Politics Instead

Demonstrating that they have no interest in voting for common sense solutions to help cities and towns, Republicans in the Connecticut State Senate today stood united against a plan to change state statutes to give municipalities more definitive information and time to adopt local budgets. The plan, proposed by the Democrats, was supported by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, the state’s nonpartisan organization of municipal leaders, representing towns and cities of all sizes from all corners of the state.

“Republicans are now playing politics with municipal budgets,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven). It seems that the GOP has spent so long voting ‘no’ on every budget-related matter that they are unable to agree to even the most common-sense proposal to help local taxpayers. Republicans appeared to be engaging a filibuster to forestall action on the bill.”

“Leadership means actually sitting down and doing the hard work, said Senate Majority Leader Duff. “If Republicans can’t support giving cities and towns more time and information when setting their local budgets then what can they support? I hope, before the end of the legislative session, that the Republicans can break their habit of reflexively voting ‘no’ on budget matters and instead work collaboratively with the Democrats and town leaders. They have a seat at the table—now they need to show up.”

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