Martin M. Looney

Senate President Pro Tempore

Martin M. Looney

An Advocate for Us

September 26, 2023


NEW HAVEN – Senate President Martin Looney (D-New Haven) today welcomed a $16.1 million extensive infrastructure investment in the City of New Haven by the state Community Investment Fund that will support local education, the arts, sports, affordable housing, and create a more walkable downtown.

“These are wide-ranging investments that will improve the quality of life all across the city, from the cultural icon that is our Shubert Theatre to the Ralph Walker skating rink to be used by New Haven residents and Albertus Magnus College, a transformation of Whalley Avenue, and work at Long Wharf,” Sen. Looney said. “CIF projects are designed to promote economic and community development, and each of these projects will advance that goal.”

“On behalf of Albertus Magnus College, I offer profound gratitude to the Community Investment Fund Board and our state legislative delegation for awarding Albertus this grant, which will provide necessary funding to rehabilitate the College’s Celentano Field and expand facilities at the City of New Haven’s Ralph Walker Skating Rink, two vital public resources for residents of New Haven and Hamden,” said Albertus President Marc M. Camille, Ed.D. “At Albertus, our mission calls us to be community builders, and as New England’s most diverse Catholic college with more than 85% of our students being from Connecticut, we will now be in a stronger position to be a source of positive impact within our neighboring communities.”

New Haven projects approved today by the state CIF include: $7,000,000 for Whalley Avenue Revitalization. The CIF grant will support three components of projects in the Whalley Avenue corridor. The project will transform Whalley Avenue from a car-oriented avenue into a walkable, bikeable and livable mixed use community. Funds will also provide gap financing to complete the development of 55 housing units (49 affordable) in the neighborhood; $4,993,489 for Shubert Theatre Sustainability. The CIF grant will fund critical upgrades to the theatrical systems, HVAC and elevator. This grant will create a new performance space within the existing facility that will serve to provide a stage for local artists and community activity; $3,111,324 for Enhancing Celentano Field & Ralph Walker Rink. The CIF funding will facilitate renovations and improvements to the Celentano Field, including turf, ADA compliant bleachers and sidewalks, bike racks and public restrooms, as well as an expansion of 1,500 square feet at Ralph Walker Skating Ring to complete a comprehensive renovation of the space and an improved venue for Albertus Magnus hockey; $1,000,000 for Long Wharf Gateway District Redevelopment Phase 1. The CIF grant will aid the pre-development activities and demolition of the former Gateway Community College in support of the implementation of the City’s Gateway District on Sargent Drive.

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