State Senator Doug McCrory (D-Hartford), whose 2nd State Senate District includes the Farmington Avenue headquarters of Aetna, Inc., today welcomed multiple news reports that Aetna plans on retaining its national insurance headquarters in Hartford—where it has been headquartered since 1853—after briefly considering a move to New York City.
“I want to thank and congratulate Aetna for its decision to retain its headquarters in Hartford and for their view of Hartford as the future of their insurance business. It’s good news for Hartford and good news for all the folks who commute in everyday from the suburbs to work in Hartford,” Sen. McCrory said. “I remember when news broke in late June about Aetna’s likely headquarters move to New York City, some of my Republican colleagues in the state legislature were very critical of Hartford and of Connecticut’s business climate in general. I hope today those same Republicans will issue similarly heartfelt public statements welcoming the very good news of Aetna’s decision to keep its headquarters in Hartford and to continue growing right here in Connecticut.”
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