Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



December 26, 2018

Moore Named Senate Chair of Human Services and General Bonding Committees

Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) today released the following statement after being named Senate Chair of the Human Services Committee, Senate Chair of the Bonding Subcommittee, and Vice-chair of the Committee on Children for the 2019-2020 legislative session:

“I am excited to get back to work on the Human Service and Children committees where my main focus will be moving forward on legislation to provide a Medicaid reimbursement for low-income families and strengthening our 2Gen model which is designed to help disadvantaged, low-income families sustain themselves by ensuring that both children and parents receive the services they need to succeed. I will also continue to support earned family medical leave, raising the minimum wage and pay equity for women.

“Being named Senate Chair of the critically important Bonding Subcommittee once again is a great honor. I was first named to this role in April 2018 and have since been able to secure grants and loans for projects in my district and across the state to boost economic development and for construction of buildings, schools, housing facilities, community care facilities, and state parks. This session I’ll be looking at various bond funding proposals in Bridgeport, Trumbull, and Monroe, including infrastructure improvements at Stone Ridge Complex and programs that address youth violence.”

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