Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



February 6, 2019

Statement from Sen. Moore on Comments by Tim Stewart

“This comment is insulting not only to women but to men as well. We are all someone’s son or daughter and we should be disgusted with this language. Is this what we can expect as women rise in politics at both the federal and state level? It is disappointing considering a man who once represented a city that is at least half women. Shame on you.

This kind of bigoted and sexist response is exactly what we’ve come to expect from some Republicans under Donald Trump who leads the pack.”

Senator Marilyn Moore represents the 22nd Senatorial District which consists of the towns of Bridgeport, Trumbull, and Monroe. She serves as chair of the Human Services Committee and as the representative of the Senate Democratic Caucus on the newly formed Governor’s Council on Women and Girls.

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