Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



May 26, 2022

Senator Moore Welcomes $3.5 Million for Projects in Bridgeport

Today, state Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport), Chair of the Bonding Committee, is welcoming funding approved by the State Bond Commission for two projects in Bridgeport. Funds will be allocated to help improve the facility at the Home for the Brave Rehabilitation Institute and the Mount Growmore Hydroponic Farming Greenhouse and Wellness Campus.

“When patients seek care, the facility should be accessible for all individuals,” said Sen. Moore. “The funding will address access and help make Applied Behavioral Rehabilitation Institute a safer space for all. Awarding funding to address our environment and access to fresh foods in an indoor urban agriculture environment allows for the development of a variety of environmental, economic, and social benefits to the surrounding communities.”

Under the Bonding Agenda, $1.5 million is set to provide funding to the Applied Behavioral Rehabilitation Institute, Inc. for facility improvements at the Home for the Brave Rehabilitation Institute in Bridgeport.

Also under the Bonding Agenda, $2 million is set to be used to advance indoor urban agriculture and delivery of community-designed services at the Mount Growmore Hydroponic Farming Greenhouse and Wellness Campus.

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