Norm Needleman


Norm Needleman



March 27, 2019

Sen. Needleman, Rep. Orange Welcome State Bonding for Colchester Bridge Replacement

State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Colchester) and State Representative Linda Orange (D-Colchester) announced today that the State Bond Commission is expected to approve funding for an important bridge replacement in the 33rd District when it meets April 2 in Hartford.

“The State of Connecticut’s investments in our state’s transportation infrastructure is vital to ensure our municipalities don’t suffer significant setbacks. I’m heartened by the State Bond Commission’s decision to allocate funding to repair the Paper Mill Road Bridge,” said Sen. Needleman. “This bridge replacement project has been delayed several years due to questions of funding, and I’m happy we will be able to answer those questions with this funding approval.”

“We must ensure that our bridges and roads are well-maintained and safe for travel, and I am pleased to see the State Bond Commission award funding for this project, which I have worked on for several years,” said State Representative Linda Orange, D-Colchester. “This road provides access to the Norton Paper Mill, which the Town of Colchester has begun to convert into a public park. This is a property with tremendous potential, and renovation of the bridge is essential.”

“The Town of Colchester is grateful that the State Bonding Commission will vote to fund that portion of the Local Bridge Program that will pay for 50 percent of the Paper Mill Bridge Reconstruction Project,” said Colchester First Selectman Art Shilosky. “The Town of Colchester has previously allocated its portion of the cost over the last two years and now that the project is fully funded, we can move forward on this much needed repair.”

The State Bond Commission is expected to approve a $150,000 grant to Colchester under the Local Bridge Program for the replacement of the Paper Mill Road Bridge, which crosses over the Jeremy River. Those funds will be matched by local funding.

This bridge replacement is part of nearly $250 million in transportation infrastructure repairs to be approved by the Commission, with additional funding going to town aid for roads and road resurfacing, vehicle bridge repairs, repairs for the Cos Cob Railroad Bridge, and further municipal grants.

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