EAST HADDAM – Today, State Senator Norm Needleman (D-East Haddam) joined Congressman Joe Courtney (D-2nd District) and Audubon Connecticut for a birdwalk at East Haddam’s Chapal Farm Land Trust Property. The bird walk was intended to celebrate Congressman Courtney’s sponsorship of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, or RAWA, intended to support and protect natural wildlife in light of an increasing number of species, including birds, experiencing declining populations.
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, which has received support through sponsorship or public statement by all five Connecticut Congressional Representatives, would direct $1.3 billion to states annually to counter decreasing populations of wild animals, including birds.
“I had the privilege of joining Congressman Courtney today to tour the Land Trust and get a first-hand glimpse of the many beautiful birds in the area,” said Sen. Needleman. “This was a beautiful opportunity to see Connecticut’s natural wildlife, but it also stood as a reminder of what we stand to lose if we don’t focus on protecting our natural habitats. I thank our state Congressional Representatives for pledging their support to such an important issue. I can only imagine what would happen if we didn’t have these incredible animals in our lives.”
According to the Audobon Society, the Chapal Farm Land Trust Property and the larger Lyme Forest Block in Middlesex and New London Counties are home to a number of beautiful birds including the Baltimore Oriole, the Cerulean Warbler, the Pileated Woodpecker and the Wood Thrush. This event was also intended to draw attention to the variety of natural wildlife native to Connecticut, further emphasizing the losses that could be experienced if conservation and preservation are not properly considered.
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