Norwich Bulletin: State Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, applauded the allocation. “Three Rivers is a critical educational resource in our region and this funding will allow our community college to provide students with additional services to ensure they are successful in obtaining a degree or professional certificate,” Osten said.
Norwich Bulletin: “This project is going to be an enormous economic driver in our community for years to come, and redeveloping this long-blighted site is money well spent,” State Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, said.
The Day: Eight months after funding for Ledyard’s school construction projects unexpectedly was delayed a year, a bill introduced in the state Senate aims to end the holdup. Introduced by Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, the bill would fund the state’s share of Ledyard’s $65 million renovation of Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School separately from other school construction bonding.
Hartford Business Journal: Sen. Cathy Osten of Sprague, the Senate Democratic chair of the Appropriations Committee, said her support for the deal doesn’t change her desire to see more traditional wage and benefit concessions from state workers. But Osten said the governor is correct that tying the restructuring deal to more traditional concessions is too risky, and could leave Connecticut with no flexibility to deal with spiking pension costs.
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