HARTFORD – State Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague) today welcomed the news that Connecticut’s seven state-operated highway rest area buildings, including indoor restroom facilities, will be open to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week beginning this Monday, July 1, 2019.
Sen. Osten has been advocating for re-opening the rest stops for the past six months; Governor Ned Lamont announced the re-opening this morning.
“Nine days into the start of the 2019 legislative session I introduced a bill, Senate Bill 713, to re-open Connecticut’s highway rest stops on a 24/7 basis. Less than six months later that is now a reality,” Sen. Osten said. “Re-opening these rest stops has not only been supported by the public for obvious reasons, but by the trucking industry, local chambers of commerce – even the Connecticut Airport Authority. We need rest stops open 24/7 for truckers to take federally mandated breaks, for families and individuals travelling overnight to make a safe stop, and for the convenience of all travelers during daylight hours. I was happy to place the funds for these rest stop re-openings in the state budget, and I’m pleased that my Democratic colleagues and Governor Lamont saw fit to support that.”
Staffing levels at the rest stops were reduced on October 1, 2016 in response to budget cuts, limiting the seven locations to a one-shift, daytime operation. While the rest areas technically remained “open” around the clock under the scenario, the indoor facilities were closed to the public for the remaining two evening and overnight shifts, necessitating the sole use of outdoor portable restroom facilities during hours during un-staffed hours.
The seven rest areas are in the following locations:
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