Christine Cohen

State Senator

Christine Cohen

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Listening, Advocating & Getting Results

July 19, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: Garnet McLaughlin – – 860-304-2319

Sen. Cohen Welcomes $2.3M for Sidewalk Improvements in Madison, Guilford, East Haven

HARTFORD, CT – This week, State Senator Christine Cohen, Senate Chair of the Transportation Committee, welcomes news that the Connecticut Department of Transportation has awarded $2.3 million for sidewalk improvements in the 12th District.

East Haven: Messina Drive Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Walkway ($781,004)

Guilford: Boston Post Road (Route 1) Sidewalk Extension to Madison Town Line ($739,765)

Madison: Scotland Avenue Roadway Improvements ($800,000)

The Community Connectivity Grant Program is a great example of using tax dollars to directly benefit our communities,” said Sen. Cohen. “By making our towns safer and more accommodating for modes of transportation like walking or biking, we can encourage our communities to get outside, move their bodies and not rely on single-use motor vehicle transportation for activities like grocery shopping or dropping their kids off at school. This initiative helps foster walkable neighborhoods which increases our connection to our neighbors and I am thrilled to see this funding in the 12th District and am grateful to Governor Lamont and Commissioner Eucalitto for their partnership!”

The grants are being awarded through CTDOT’s Community Connectivity Grant Program. This state-funded program provides financial support for local infrastructure initiatives that make conditions safer, more accommodating, and equitable for pedestrians and bicyclists in urban, suburban, and rural centers. This round awarded more than $12 million in grants to 17 towns and cities across Connecticut for projects that will improve transportation accessibility and safety.

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