Christine Cohen

State Senator

Christine Cohen

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Listening, Advocating & Getting Results

March 17, 2025

Sen. Cohen Welcomes $250k for East Haven Family Resource Center

EAST HAVEN – Last week, State Senator Christine Cohen welcomed a vote by the bipartisan Community Investment Fund (CIF) 2030 board that will bring $250,000 to the Town of East Haven for the Family Resource Center expansion.

The Town of East Haven plans to transform the Family Resource Center into a comprehensive community hub that includes a dynamic recreational area, designed to support local youth and families.

The CIF vote is a key step toward final approval of the plan by the State Bond Commission, which must come within 60 days of the CIF vote.

“The Family Resource Center is a staple for the East Haven community and I am grateful that they will be receiving these much needed funds,” said Sen. Cohen. “They offer childcare, food assistance, educational opportunities and more. Thank you to legislative leadership for approving these funds, and to Governor Lamont for continuing to use state dollars to increase economic and community development across the state.”

Contact: Garnet McLaughlin – – 860-304-2319

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