Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

June 14, 2024

Contact: Joe O’Leary | | 508-479-4969

June 14, 2024


Today, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) was ecstatic to hear that the Department of Economic and Community Development will provide three brownfield remediation grants to East Hartford totaling $345,000. The three grants will support assessment and planning in areas of town that would benefit from redevelopment, furthering reuse and environmental cleanup of important town sites.

“Remediating and cleaning brownfield sites and blight in our communities will directly support business and economic growth, support our environment and benefit residents through improved use of local resources,” said Sen. Anwar. “These grants will play a valuable role in the future of East Hartford.”

East Hartford’s new grants include:

  • $200,000 for a planning grant to examine the Burnside and Church Street Village Area in town, with the goal of addressing potentially contaminated structures and creating a comprehensive plan for the site’s future uses.
  • $95,000 for the assessment of the site located at 164 School Street, which is currently owned by United Steel. This assessment will support the company’s expansion of its operations, creating new tax revenue and a second shift, supporting growth of local tax revenue and local jobs.
  • $50,000 for environmental site assessments of the underused building located at 1016 Main Street to determine a remediation and development strategy for the property, which previously served to host multiple theaters in town.
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