MD Rahman


MD Rahman



July 25, 2024

Senator Rahman Makes the ‘Honor Roll’ for Education Votes

In an annual legislative report card released this week, the Connecticut Education Association awarded Sen. MD Rahman, with an “Honor Roll” grade of 91 in recognition of his consistent support for Connecticut students and teachers through votes in the General Assembly.

The report card tracks the voting record of every state legislator and grades them based on their support for bills that improve the learning and teaching conditions in Connecticut schools and their opposition to measures that would hinder educational progress or harm the interests of students and educators.

After reviewing Senator Rahman’s votes during this year’s legislative session, the group awarded him high marks.

“I have worked hard to support legislation that improves the learning conditions of students throughout our state and I am grateful to the Connecticut Education Association for acknowledging the progress we’ve made,” Senator Rahman said. “The future of our communities rests on the quality of the education our children receive and I am committed to safe and supportive schools.”

This year’s grade reflected Senator Rahman’s support for a number of proposals, including:

  • House Bill 5436: a bill that made key changes in teacher certification, improved mandated reporter procedures, and provided support for paraeducators.

  • House Bill 5437: a bill to review and update professional development requirements and support efforts to improve school culture and climate.

  • Senate Bill 154: a bill that enhanced student behavior notifications to parents and a standardized assessment audit.

  • House Bill 5524: a bill that expanded the Indoor Air Quality Grant Program.

  • Senate Bill 5: a bill that supported the extension of the state Indoor Air Quality Working Group.

  • Senate Bill 14: a bill that ensured teacher rights at Goodwin University Magnet School were protected.

  • House Bill 5523: a bill that implemented the budget, which included $550,000 for the Teachers Retirement Board for Retiree Healthcare and added the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) to the Education Mandate Review Advisory Council.

This year marked Senator Rahman’s second session serving in the Connecticut Senate. It is his second consecutive year on the CEA “honor roll,” following his 94% grade last year.

The CEA awarded an average score of 90.2 (A-) to the 24 Democratic senators this session, and an average score of 76.5 (C) to the 12 Republican senators.

Contact: Hugh McQuaid | | 860-634-4651